Do you use cotton pads in your beauty regimen? For the most part, I’ve realized that using cotton pads seems to be a pretty polarizing topic: either you love it or you hate it! Whether you’re addicted to using cotton pads or you think they are unnecessary, today’s article is worth a read.
If you’re someone who loves cotton pads, this article will teach you a few more creative ways to use them in your skincare routine. If you’re on the other side of the fence, maybe this article will make you want to try using a cotton pad for one of these handy tricks!
This one might be obvious, but using cotton pads is the perfect way to get your AM cleanse done quickly and gently. If you typically do a double cleanse in the morning, this tip can save you time and money, and it can even help improve your skin. Most people don’t need to do a full cleanse in the morning, which means you could be drying out your skin.
Saturating a soft cotton pad with a beauty water or micellar water and gently swiping over your face is an effective, refreshing morning cleanse that will let you get to your morning routine quicker.
Instead of scrubbing and rubbing your eyes to get eye makeup off at night, you can save your lashes and keep your eyes from getting irritated by using cotton pads.
This trick works best with cotton pads, because using a washcloth or towel will leave heavy makeup stains behind. Soak a cotton pad in your point remover or cleansing water, split it in half and press the saturated pad onto your eyelids. Let the pads stay on your eyes for a minute or so, and then gently wipe over your eyes as you remove the cotton pads. Leaving the cotton pads on your eyes will help to soften and break up your eye makeup, which will make removing it much easier.
You can follow up this trick with your normal double cleanse! It will save you some scrubbing, so your face will be less irritated.
This tip was life-changing for me! For this trick, you need soft, high-quality cotton pads that don’t leave lint on your face.To make a mask, soak the sponge pads in your favorite toner or watery moisturizing product. The pulp blend of the pads will soak up the toner without absorbing it and wasting product. Once the pads are saturated, gently stretch them to cover the trouble areas on your face and place the pad gently on the skin, patting it in firmly. Let the cotton pad sit on your skin for 5-10 minutes, then gently remove it and pat the remaining product onto your face.
One great use for cotton pads that a lot of people don’t think of is as a physical exfoliator. When you’re exfoliating your face, it’s important to be as gentle as possible. I like to use the compressed, 100 percent cotton pads. Once you’ve saturated your cotton pad, massage your face in slow, gentle circles to wipe away dead skin cells, dirt, sebum and debris that may be trapped deep in your pores. Your face will be soft, smooth and ready for the rest of your routine.
Cotton pads are a cheap, versatile beauty tool. They can be used day or night for a variety of beauty tricks. What’s your favorite way to use cotton pads?